Securing Your Digital Frontier

Elevate Your Security Posture with Penetration Testing for Only $499

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Pen Testing

Get More, Spend Less: Cost-Effective Penetration Testing Solution

At Netsmartz, we offer a secure cloud platform that simplifies requesting and receiving comprehensive penetration testing. With a few clicks, you'll access our unique blend of manual and automated vulnerability discovery methods aligned with industry best practices. Our expert team conducts thorough testing, delivering offline and online reports to prevent cyber breaches at every step.

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Penetration Testing

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Why netsmartz

Our Competencies

Public-facing Web App

Public-facing Web Apps

We thoroughly assess the security of your public-facing web applications, which are accessible to external users. This includes websites, portals, and any other web applications that interact with the public.


Web APIs

Our penetration testing extends to web APIs utilized for communication and data exchange between different systems. We ensure the security of your API endpoints and verify that proper authentication, authorization, and input validation mechanisms are in place.


Web App Firewalls

We evaluate the effectiveness of your web application firewalls. We assess their configuration, rule sets, and overall ability to protect your web applications from common attacks, such as SQL injection.

Our Engagement Approach


  • Testing conducted within agreed-upon windows
  • Minimization of interference with normal business operations


Avoid Damage or Data Loss
  • No engagement in actions causing data loss, or service interruption
  • Preservation of system integrity and availability


Prompt & Secure Reporting
  • Promptly reporting findings to the designated contact
  • Secure transmission of the report to ensure confidentiality


Confidentiality & Non-disclosure
  • Signing of confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements
  • Protection of sensitive information and data of the target organization


Comprehensive Pen Testing Report
  • Detailed report provided with identified vulnerabilities
  • Impact assessment of vulnerabilities
  • Recommended remediation actions for addressing identified issues

Secure Your Systems
with Netsmartz

Testing. Certifying. Securing